Friday, December 21, 2007

Quick link to EarthRehab "About Us" HTML page

Green license plate, green license plate, green license plate, green license plate, green, green, license plate, license plate,
Green license plate, and green license plate and green license plate, green license plate, green, going green license plate
About Us
EarthRehab was created to support nature on the front line and to develop an understanding of recycled plastic materials. We believe humans enjoy natural settings (like beaches, seas, forests, mountains, and rivers), and harmonizing with the wild. Public display of concern for our environment is critical during this monumental crisis. We encourage you to purchase and display our product with pride, nobly supporting a green movement. For the record, we have a 100% reception from the foundations, and they would appreciate your support of EarthRehab.

A beautiful new Web page teaches us about Coral Reef Eco-systems, and Sustainability.
Excellent job goes to AAA South. Visit this page please.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Front Page & Headline News; Green License Plate

This year Palm Beach County has a new environmental campaign. The recycled Green License Plate for the Environment created by EarthRehab.

Cover of the Hometown News, “It’s not easy being Green”
And Headline Cover of The Jupiter Courier “Treehuggers raise funds for Busch Wildlife” &

The $10.00 Green License Plate is sold to benefit front-line Environmental Foundations and Sanctuaries.

See who’s involved, click the link.

Our checkout is secured utilizing E-bay, Yahoo Small Business, and Pay Pal Payments Pro.

We are still shipping this Eco-friendly gift for the Holiday’s with our special Holiday Greetings.So do what’s right today, join EarthRehab and the Green License Plate campaign.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Going Green; the NBC News Story; EarthRehab

"The state of our ocean, the global warming over all, concern for the environment and being proud that you are displaying something like this..if if isn't something else in some other forum or some other sector.."

This quote was taken from the end of the video clip.. "Going Green" the NBC News story; an interview with the Founder of EarthRehab. Click the Screen to play.